Back from Vacation

Yep, I'm back. We went to Palawan, actually. I had so much photos underwater and on land. We went to see some corals, shipwrecks and so much more. Yeah, we went scuba-diving. I met some new friends along the way, too. They're so nice! All the people were nice, actually. The food was delicious there! The place was simply beautiful and environment-friendly. There was even a law there that if you throw your trash in the wrong place (obviously, you guys know that) 3 times, you're going to pay PHP 5,000 in cash and 3 months imprisonment (in jail). I have so much more to tell, but it would probably fill up this post.

Today was a fine day probably... but it wasn't as good as the other days that I usually have.
That's probably because I'm having some friend issues again. I always have. I just don't know... I think I'm just not good in making friends or probably because I'm not a good friend... I feel bad and disappointed for myself now. I think they don't want to talk to me anymore or don't want to be my friend... because I sense they're ignoring me. Oh, but that's only one person. Don't get mistaken by my word 'their' because I'm talking about only 1 person, so no worries. So sadddd... I just won't talk about it. I'll just take my feelings away now to forget it.

I'm proud that this post finally doesn't have smilies...
I think that's enough for today now. Bye.


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