Eye Strain?

My eyes are really stressed right now. They keep on facing the computer. I think I'm getting eye strain already. By the look of my eyes right now, it's pretty obvious. It's like glued to the computer screen. Yeah...

I've been reading my book reports lately, and I finished 2 books. 1 more book to go. But I think I should just read it when school starts since my eyes need a break. School starts soon, so I better get ready. I have a few close friends which are my classmates this school year. They're only a few but at least they're my classmates. I mean, I would go EMO if I didn't have a close friend as a classmate. O_o Just kidding... but seriously.

School is really getting near now. Not to mention my piano recital. My piano recital exactly 4 days before school starts.

Okay, so as the days pass, I had nothing to do but read in the computer. I didn't really have THAT much interest in Facebook nowadays. So I just read stories on the net. It's really creeping me out because it's a daily thing and I get nightmares from it already. The average would probably be 20 stories... or more until I barf up. Nah, I won't really barf. :P

Aww, this post is just sad. :( It doesn't have a photo attached to it. That doesn't really matter but I'll just post one anyway. Hmm... oh, I also did something new in Photoshop! I learned to vector shapes... well that's a /little/ easy and I know anyone can do it but I just did it since I was extremely bored. The one I did looked really simple. Here it is:
(just click on the image to make it bigger)

Again, I'm not brag, okay? :)) People are thinking that I'm bragging whenever I show what I did but no. I. Am. Not. Bragging. Let me just say that I don't consider myself as an editing master in Photoshop because I'm still a beginner like most of the people out there, okay? I'm still trying to learn and all.

That's all and goodbye! ^_^


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