First Days

You may be wondering why the title above is named like that. :))

Actually, it's because of the first day of school. :) It's already the first weekend after the first day of school. I went to school last Wednesday and I thought it was going to be an easy day -- but I was wrong. :P I was already pressured on the first day...

Anyway, I saw my old classmates and I missed them so much! But I knew it was time to make new friends in my new section, and I did. :D I only saw a few of my close friends, but I'm sure I'm going talk to all of them by the end of the school year.

Now that there's school again, I need to lessen my computer time again.
But there's a solution to that already:

Destroyed computer = No computer forever

Yep. And unfortunately, that's the kind of computer I have currently. It's not really destroyed, it's just that my sister deleted an important system file unknowingly and I lost all my files. Now I have to start from scratch again. But I can't since my computer doesn't start now because of my sister. :| Now I use the computer/laptop once a week. Only Saturdays.

That's all for the little updates in my life. Now I gotta go. :) Bye!


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