Back home...

I'm obviously back home again. I don't know where this title leads me... but I just put it there anyways.

Anyway, I just came from the doctor. Actually, to be specific, I came back from 2 doctors.
No, I'm not sick or anything. They just burned my skin (that's not really appropriate to say, is it? xD). To clear it all up, they used this thing to burn my skin. It's like a big needle that has some operating buttons. So when you press a button used for burning, it will automatically burn your skin. Hope you get that explanation. :))
Ah, yes. It was a laser. But not an ordinary laser though.
It was sooooooooo painful when they burned my skin (for some reason that I'm not telling :)))... first they got this injection with a needle that was super long.
And then, the doctor told me that it was going to be a little painful, so I closed my eyes and praying for a miracle to happen. :))
The injection was so long that when it went in my finger, I almost saw it go out of my finger. :O
I'm disgusted by this thing already. :)) This is too much information, so I'll stop talking about the injection thing.

I went also to another doctor the same day (which is today). But the doctor was an ophthalmologist. The other one was a dermatologist. :))
I got 2 new glasses. Usually, they'd only give me 1, but they needed to give me one for reading and one for distance. That's because my eyes have high grades. Higher than my sister. :O
So when I'm in school I'd be changing glasses everytime when taking notes. :))

This post is going to be short since I'm typing with my right hand only. I'm not allowed to use my left hand because it was just burnt and has bandages over it. And it's very painful. :(

That's going to be all for today. :) Bye!


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