
I'm done with my piano lessons... and I'm glad that I finally got over with my injury during piano lessons. :D

Anyway, I got a message from our guidance counselor in school. You're probably wondering if her message was 'good' or 'bad'. Well, the good news is that her message was probably some kind of a 'good' message. I can't upload the photo right now, sadly. :( That's because this laptop I'm using doesn't hold the photos; it's in my other computer. I'll just upload it later. It's goin' to be at the bottom. :)

I'm going to have a check-up again. I'm going to go to the dermatologist I went to last time. I hope this time I'm not going to be pulverized again. :S I'm super scared already in going there. That's probably because of what happened last time. And I'm sure you DON'T want to know what happened. ;)

This whole week, I revived all of my accounts in different websites. One was in, which I made 2 years ago (yes, 2008) or something. I forgot. All I know is that I created it WAY back before it became popular. Another one was my Twitter account, which I made SUPER long ago. There are so much more! I just forgot. :))

I made a new blog with Patricia, my classmate. I haven't posted due to my hand but I promised (and forcing) myself to post there. I just feel like I'm not doing any part at all. I think that's because I'm too lazy to post...

That's just a little (or not? :))) update of my life so far. Goodbyeee!

Remember when I told you that our guidance counselor in school sent me a message?
I uploaded the photo! Here it is: (click to enlarge)

She told me to apply for the layout artist in the incoming magazine issues (2010-2011) in our school. I don't know why but, I think I SUCK at Photoshop. :)) Sure, I've made some nice stuff there... but I'm not used to make layouts when forced to. That's because I only make layouts when I want to. Or not layouts, banners and other stuff. I started using Photoshop like 1 month ago, and I can't believe this is my level. (I quit using it when I was 10 or something younger than that). :))

I don't know if I should apply, but 80% chances are, I am. Because if I'm going to be a layout artist in the magazine, I have to GIVE UP my leadership as an officer. So no more leading people or going to meetings. Well, I'm not sure about that because maybe it's going to change, since my Ate was told to apply by her teacher for a writer thing in the school's magazine when she was Grade 5 or something.


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If you want to post, then I guess you have to follow these rules, please. They would really help you in posting the the things I allow and not allow. Please DON'T post if you can't follow the rules or I'll just delete the messages or IP block you so you can never post again in this C-box. I know its pretty harsh, but I don't want to take off this C-box. Thank you! :)

1 ] No spamming (three or more consecutive, pointless posts in a row). Obviously.

2 ] No advertising, unless informing us of an affiliate acceptance/rejection/removal, in which case you may put your URL in the email box.

3 ] C-box behavior must comply with forum behavior and expectations.

4 ] Respect others. We look down on people who feel the need to endlessly bash others simply for their enjoyment.

5 ] Absolutely no swearing.

6 ] You can share your opinions, but don't go over too much. If you hate it, why do you need to spread it out? Do you think it's useful for you to say "i hAtE u & uR bLoG. gO aWaY & dElEtE iT 4 me, kk?"?

7 ] Flaming and online drama is not in my book also.