Back from Vacation

Yep, I'm back. We went to Palawan, actually. I had so much photos underwater and on land. We went to see some corals, shipwrecks and so much more. Yeah, we went scuba-diving. I met some new friends along the way, too. They're so nice! All the people were nice, actually. The food was delicious there! The place was simply beautiful and environment-friendly. There was even a law there that if you throw your trash in the wrong place (obviously, you guys know that) 3 times, you're going to pay PHP 5,000 in cash and 3 months imprisonment (in jail). I have so much more to tell, but it would probably fill up this post.

Today was a fine day probably... but it wasn't as good as the other days that I usually have.
That's probably because I'm having some friend issues again. I always have. I just don't know... I think I'm just not good in making friends or probably because I'm not a good friend... I feel bad and disappointed for myself now. I think they don't want to talk to me anymore or don't want to be my friend... because I sense they're ignoring me. Oh, but that's only one person. Don't get mistaken by my word 'their' because I'm talking about only 1 person, so no worries. So sadddd... I just won't talk about it. I'll just take my feelings away now to forget it.

I'm proud that this post finally doesn't have smilies...
I think that's enough for today now. Bye.


Finally, after waiting for our vacation to come, it's almost here! ^_^

I'm going to leave on Friday here... to somewhere. :)) Somewhere FAR. O_o
I'm so excited! But I'm also scared too... since I watched the 9/11 thing all over again and again now I have an idea of whats going to happen to the plane when we ride it... well if I AM going to die, I sure hope I'm not going to feel it. Or know it. I just hope that I won't be unlucky enough to die... in the plane.
Why am I thinking like that?! I should think of positive things. :|

Okay, so now what I'm thinking about is a different subject; piano lessons.
The thing is, I used to LOVE piano lessons when I was little, now I just hate it because I'm lazy to practice and all.
But the BEST feeling ever is when piano lessons end. I mean the session. :))
It's like you were actually free and can do anything you want... well not actually ANYTHING.
Tomorrow I'm going to be having piano lessons, by the way.

Today is the last day (before we leave) that I'm actually free. :)) So I better spend this day wisely (does that make sense?!). :))

So many birthdays on May! First, my Ate. I'm actually suggesting (more like forcing) her not to get a gadget for her birthday. Why? Because the last gadget my parents gave her turned out to be a disaster. Long story. XD She's super maarte when in comes to things she owns. When you touch her stuff, she'll KILL you. Yes, literally. :O I won't talk about her anymore since she might get mad and tell me to delete this. :| And there are so much more people who has birthdays on May, of course. My calendar is FILLED with birthdays on May.

I think I'm going to have a hard time in greeting the people who have early birthdays on May though... that's because I'm leaving for vacation. But I promise to greet them in whatever way I can. :))

That's all for now! I'm in a bad mood again... (WHYYYY IS THIS ALWAYS APPEARING?!) but it's not obvious because I put smilies like this ----> :))



I'm done with my piano lessons... and I'm glad that I finally got over with my injury during piano lessons. :D

Anyway, I got a message from our guidance counselor in school. You're probably wondering if her message was 'good' or 'bad'. Well, the good news is that her message was probably some kind of a 'good' message. I can't upload the photo right now, sadly. :( That's because this laptop I'm using doesn't hold the photos; it's in my other computer. I'll just upload it later. It's goin' to be at the bottom. :)

I'm going to have a check-up again. I'm going to go to the dermatologist I went to last time. I hope this time I'm not going to be pulverized again. :S I'm super scared already in going there. That's probably because of what happened last time. And I'm sure you DON'T want to know what happened. ;)

This whole week, I revived all of my accounts in different websites. One was in, which I made 2 years ago (yes, 2008) or something. I forgot. All I know is that I created it WAY back before it became popular. Another one was my Twitter account, which I made SUPER long ago. There are so much more! I just forgot. :))

I made a new blog with Patricia, my classmate. I haven't posted due to my hand but I promised (and forcing) myself to post there. I just feel like I'm not doing any part at all. I think that's because I'm too lazy to post...

That's just a little (or not? :))) update of my life so far. Goodbyeee!

Remember when I told you that our guidance counselor in school sent me a message?
I uploaded the photo! Here it is: (click to enlarge)

She told me to apply for the layout artist in the incoming magazine issues (2010-2011) in our school. I don't know why but, I think I SUCK at Photoshop. :)) Sure, I've made some nice stuff there... but I'm not used to make layouts when forced to. That's because I only make layouts when I want to. Or not layouts, banners and other stuff. I started using Photoshop like 1 month ago, and I can't believe this is my level. (I quit using it when I was 10 or something younger than that). :))

I don't know if I should apply, but 80% chances are, I am. Because if I'm going to be a layout artist in the magazine, I have to GIVE UP my leadership as an officer. So no more leading people or going to meetings. Well, I'm not sure about that because maybe it's going to change, since my Ate was told to apply by her teacher for a writer thing in the school's magazine when she was Grade 5 or something.

Bad Mood Again :|

People know me as a person who is always in a bad mood... yeah. And now I'm in a bad mood again... and it was certainly because of a PERSON. For the first time, this isn't any of my siblings or family (which I usually fight with ALL the time). When I'm mad at a person I actually don't show that I'm mad. For example, a chat which I MADE up: *Note that I'm mad at the person I'm talking to and let's pretend we're talking on a schoolday. xD

Friend: hello!
Me: hi :)
After a few minutes of chatting...
Friend: ahahahahahahahahaha i hate you sana mamatay ka!!!!
Me: buti nga mamatay ako eh... :P
Friend: nakakainis ka!!!!
Me: alam ko dibaaaa? :))
Friend: pupunta ka ba sa school tomorrow?
Me: oo... bakit?
Friend: SAYANG. dapat wala ka para masaya yung schoolday.
Me: ay... ganun? :| :)))))

So basically, that's how I chat with a person who I'm mad with. xD

Anyway, I don't know what to put here since I can't type properly due to the injuries on my hand.


Back home...

I'm obviously back home again. I don't know where this title leads me... but I just put it there anyways.

Anyway, I just came from the doctor. Actually, to be specific, I came back from 2 doctors.
No, I'm not sick or anything. They just burned my skin (that's not really appropriate to say, is it? xD). To clear it all up, they used this thing to burn my skin. It's like a big needle that has some operating buttons. So when you press a button used for burning, it will automatically burn your skin. Hope you get that explanation. :))
Ah, yes. It was a laser. But not an ordinary laser though.
It was sooooooooo painful when they burned my skin (for some reason that I'm not telling :)))... first they got this injection with a needle that was super long.
And then, the doctor told me that it was going to be a little painful, so I closed my eyes and praying for a miracle to happen. :))
The injection was so long that when it went in my finger, I almost saw it go out of my finger. :O
I'm disgusted by this thing already. :)) This is too much information, so I'll stop talking about the injection thing.

I went also to another doctor the same day (which is today). But the doctor was an ophthalmologist. The other one was a dermatologist. :))
I got 2 new glasses. Usually, they'd only give me 1, but they needed to give me one for reading and one for distance. That's because my eyes have high grades. Higher than my sister. :O
So when I'm in school I'd be changing glasses everytime when taking notes. :))

This post is going to be short since I'm typing with my right hand only. I'm not allowed to use my left hand because it was just burnt and has bandages over it. And it's very painful. :(

That's going to be all for today. :) Bye!

It's Our Day Tomorrow!

So why did I named the title "It's Our Day Tomorrow!"? Well it's because literally it is. :))

Well, for some people. And some other people. Actually tomorrow will be our Recognition Day in school. We'll be receiving a token of some sort from our principal since our school directress wouldn't be attending that day... so I'm just excited for tomorrow. :D

Tomorrow will also be our giving of cards, so after the recognition ceremony we will go to our classrooms to get our cards and meet /some/ of our classmates (I hope!).

I think I'm getting super addicted in reading what happened on 9/11 (if some of you know), which is super scary and emotional at the same time. I think I ended up even crying while reading what happened (I was emotional :))). I've been reading what happened (the story) since like 3 days ago and I'm still not tired of reading it.

If you notice why my posts are very short, it's because I'm too lazy to make them long. xD

So this means I gotta go... bye! :)

A Little Update

As usual, it's good to be writing in my blog again. :)) I didn't get to post the past few days because I went somewhere... and the other days because I was too lazy or busy to post. But I mean, I don't need to explain since nobody really cares, right? xD

Anyways, yesterday I went to Pampanga, which is pretty far away from here (but it was a road trip), and all I did there was eat. :)) Seriously, there was SO much food there. It's like unlimited food but more. :)) I got super bloated/full because of the food and since yesterday until now, I haven't drank water yet. I kept on drinking soft drinks instead of water... is that bad? xD I think it is... oh well.

So it's 12:51 AM right now. And I'm scared because I'm the only one awake... I just watched this horror show and it creeped me out. Now I think I need to go now because of that. :)) What a random ending... bye! :)

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