My Only Wishes
Hey everyone. As you can see, the title of this post is about my only wishes. Well. I'm not in the mood today. Let's just say everyday I'm not in the mood. :| I want to go to school again.
So if you know me in school, it's obvious that I really wanted summer to come. But now I'm just plain wrong, I guess. And I know that when I go back to school I'll start wanting summer again. Weird. O_o
How weird is it when you say "I miss you! :)" to somebody and they don't believe.
I experienced myself having this kind of "conversation" with somebody.
But I assure you, I don't say "I miss you! :)" when I don't mean it. Yes, so I mean it. I do really miss that person. :|
Random. Nothing to write about. Booooring.
Isn't it VERY ANNOYING for somebody to act different to you and others?
Me? My classmates act MEAN to me and NICE to my other classmates.
Almost every classmate do that to me. :| Being president isn't really about getting the fame, it's about getting to be a leader. Getting to lead. I'm trying to do my best to these classmates... but is THAT what I get for what I'm doing for them? I hope you get it. Because I'm getting pretty crazy already. Fine. If THAT is what they want themselves to do, let it be. I'm leaving them alone. Please, just try to feel what I feel.
Okay, so I know that I told you last time that I miss my classmates. And some positive qualities.
But I guess this time it's time to give some negative qualities about them, and that is what I just told you. The fact is, I almost cried writing that. xD I hope I didn't offend any of you in any way!
So that's pretty much all I have to say. It's pretty much goodbye, right? Yeah. Bye.
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