Another Summer Day

So it's the 2nd day of summer. It's so boring when you don't know what to do.
Well. :)) Okay, so life became boring here. I have nothing to do but watch my sister stalk a pack of cards again and again. If you want to see how she stalks cards, just watch the video below:

That was actually her very first try. :)) I hope she doesn't get mad when she sees this...
Today was pretty normal. Nothing special much. I'm going to hate tomorrow! I have to practice the piano and I have to do all my Kumon! I always post late. It's like 11:42 PM. I'm sleepy already. xD

My sincere congratulations to my Ate. :)) She just updated her blog... FINALLY!
I don't really read her posts unless there are pictures. :)) (sorry, no offense :|)

Okay. Facebook is definitely going to be lessened this summer. I'm thinking about it. Probably "Summer's Resolution"? WTH. <--- I didn't type that! >.<
Haha, just joking. :)) Of course you have to curse once in a while. But that's not really a curse. (I just changed the last word of that)

I know I keep repeating this is every post but... I MISS SCHOOL! :(
I wanna have my last moments with my friends. :)) (especially my close friends)

I'm depressed. Emo. :| I'm trying to stay and look awake, but that's just an epic fail for me, I guess. I don't even know what I'm typing anymore! xD

Anyways. I gotta go now. HUUUUGGG!!! >:D<
'Kay. :)) I'm just random. Nothing to do. So that's goodbye, right? Right. That's goodbye. Bye! xD


Alexandra said...

Thats cheating! Hahah. I'm not yet enjoying my summer too...... anyways you havent been online in ym

Andrea said...

I know! :D
Aww, me too. I'm sure you'll enjoy it soon. Well, I hope. xD
Yeah. I'm actually always online in YM. Just invisible! :)

Alexandra said...

I need to chat with close friends! Haha.... I'm having so much problems with life. I need to talk with at people who I trust :) your included so beware and get prepared for advices :)

Andrea said...

I hope you solve them soon. :)
If you need any help or advice you can always ask. :D

Alexandra said...

Okay I need one now. I'm freaking out! I'm losing hair! Okay I might be a little exaggerated about losing my hair..haha..just cheering you up:)

Andrea said...

Haha. :)) I imagine you bald. :O
Of course, you always cheer me up. :)
(thanks xD)

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