I promised myself not to use Facebook and YM for 3 days. I'm just trying to build up some kind of "sacrifice" so that I could lessen my time on Facebook and YM this summer. I have other plans for this summer, actually. I'm thinking of finally going outside to act like a normal person (you know, biking, a day at the park, etc.) because I don't do those activities usually. And I need more family time since I just had some school time with my classmates for 1 year. So that's going to sum up to only 1 hour internet use per day.
This summer, I'm going to change the layout of the blog. That's actually on my list.
My list is probably something like this:
Lessen internet usage
Change blog layout
I'm trying my best to keep in touch with my friends, that's why I use Facebook.
But I guess nobody wants me to do that. :| So I guess I'll just lessen my time there and in YM.
So that's all. I have so much to tell, but I'm not really in the mood today, sorry. Bye.
Change the Font of the Blog
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1 ] No spamming (three or more consecutive, pointless posts in a row). Obviously.
2 ] No advertising, unless informing us of an affiliate acceptance/rejection/removal, in which case you may put your URL in the email box.
3 ] C-box behavior must comply with forum behavior and expectations.
4 ] Respect others. We look down on people who feel the need to endlessly bash others simply for their enjoyment.
5 ] Absolutely no swearing.
6 ] You can share your opinions, but don't go over too much. If you hate it, why do you need to spread it out? Do you think it's useful for you to say "i hAtE u & uR bLoG. gO aWaY & dElEtE iT 4 me, kk?"?
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