School day.
So I just came home from school and I have so many homework. :( I just noticed that all people that I'm mad at all start with a letter A, you know, just sharing. :)) I won't tell you who, of course. But if you comment and ask how many do I hate, then I can answer. It's so annoying that my internet is so slow because my Kuya a while ago, told me that he would disconnect and connect the internet so that the internet would be faster when I was using my YM. I told him no because I was still chatting with my classmate about our homework and if he disconnects the internet, my YM will close and it'll hang then I'll have to sign in again IF there is internet. But he disconnected it anyways. I got all mad inside but I didn't show it since he went to the other room where there was a huge TV screen (uhhh...) that was used as a computer screen. I gotta do my homework, bye!
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