Eye Strain?
My eyes are really stressed right now. They keep on facing the computer. I think I'm getting eye strain already. By the look of my eyes right now, it's pretty obvious. It's like glued to the computer screen. Yeah...
Again, I'm not brag, okay? :)) People are thinking that I'm bragging whenever I show what I did but no. I. Am. Not. Bragging. Let me just say that I don't consider myself as an editing master in Photoshop because I'm still a beginner like most of the people out there, okay? I'm still trying to learn and all.
Thursday, May 27, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Hi. This whole day I was just Photoshop-ing. Oops, I meant I kept on using Photoshop the whole day.Yeah, so now I know more about Photoshop. :)) I learned some techniques (which are super hard to learn for me, by the way). I'm not trying to boast about anything, okay? :)) I'm actually quite bad at using Photoshop. I was experimenting stuff, and used lots of layers, brushes, photos, and all those whatsoever. :)) The theme was about school memories and all the school memories (pictures, etc.) I had were the ones when I was Grade 4. :D It took a long time to do and I ruined it completely. :(( I don't wanna post it on Facebook because the people there are quite... rude? :)) No offense. Here it is: (click on it for the original image)
Okay, so that's the picture I did. I put random words around because I thought it was quite lifeless. :O I was experimenting brushes and all, so it's messy. I didn't really care about the messiness. :)) By the way, it was meant to be dirty-ish. Tell me suggestions on which Photoshop art should I do next. :) Comment on the chatbox!
I have so many more, but I got to go right now. :D
Also, happy birthday to my Ate! :) Here's my little message for her (in Taglish!):
So hello Ate! Happy Birthday! I wanted to give you something na Grey's Anatomy-ish pero I didn't happen to find something like that. Okay, so my birthday gift for you na lang is libre ng PHP 5.oo. :)) Ahaha, pambili ng limang candy! Yay! JK!~ I actually wanted to say something bad about you but since it's your birthday, NVM. Luv ya! :-* >:D<
(PS: The kiss and hug smileys and the "Luv ya!" part are FAKE. I just did those 'cuz I had a feeling that I was KJ.)
Bye bye! :)
Friday, May 14, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Limited. :O
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Happy Birthday!
I really just want to greet my friends Happy Birthday! Yeah, the celebrants for this May.
First off, is Geli a.k.a. Albert... or simply just Angelika. :D Her birthday is on May 2 (I think?)... so belated Happy Birthday! Her birthday's obviously done by now, but you're never too late to greet, right? ;) I already greeted her via Facebook but I just would like to greet her again for being an amazing friend even there were hard times... thank youuuu! ^^ By the way, don't listen if I say bad stuff about you... I was just lying, okay? :))
Second is Patricia... or Whoops:)! :D We chat everytime in YM and Facebook Chat. Everytime I login in YM (I go invisible for safety purposes), my offline messages are filled with messages from her. :)) But I like it that way. ^^ Anyway, Happy Birthday! Her birthday is today and I already greeted her via Facebook also. Actually she's the only person I'm not afraid to say cheesy stuff to. :)) She's a really good friend when you get to know her, even though she's a little silent at first; but she isn't! Thank you! >:D<
And there's my Ate too... well, I just like to say Happy Birthday to her even though she's a little like my 'enemy'. :)) She's not the best Ate out there... but she's OK. No comment...
So that's all! Happy Birthday again! Bye!
Wednesday, May 05, 2010 | | 5 Comments
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