Three Down - Four to Go
Finally. After studying non-stop (well, not really), the C.L. and English exams are finished! :D
Four more exams to take. And that is: Math, Science, Filipino and Sibika. I already finished studying for Science and Math already. My reviewer for Science is like 12 pages long! Not to mention the text size is like 8 there. In Math, I didn't study at all. I always don't study for Math. :))
Sibika and Filipino are the hardest of all exams... in my opinion. I mean, my reviewer for Sibika is like 15 pages! You can already tell how hard it is. :P
YM isn't working again. Ugh. It always doesn't work. It hasn't been working since yesterday.
I think I should delete my YM already. Or at least not use it at all because it's pretty useless now since there are no people to chat to. :))
Anyways, the last day of school is on March 16... darn. I haven't wrote letters to my classmates yet. :)) Nevermind, I'll just do it tomorrow. I wish time wasn't so fast. I'll miss my classmates! (seriously, I will) :(( I can't get that out of my mind. Everytime I go to school, I always think about it so much that it makes me wanna cry already. Weird.
I just scanned our class picture and I just want to show you guys what it looks like.
Yeah. As usual, I had piano lessons and Kumon. We had a party that is still going on until now. (it's 11:20 PM) I like sleeping late. It's a bad habit but I just can't help it. :)) I'm so full right now... probably because of dessert. There are soooo many cakes and delicacies downstairs. I ate about 1 piece a cake. To tell you the truth, I'm not going to tell. :))
So I gotta go now. So much stories to tell as usual, but so little time! Studying has officially become a hobby for me now. :)) Nah, just kidding. Goodbye! :D
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