Stressful Day

Today wasn't actually my "average day" of some sort. My mom was back from the hospital... and she almost didn't wake up. They revived her (I think?) several times she finally woke up. I got scared when my dad told me that I almost lost my mom. :( But she's fine now.

My sister was a little bossy today. She wasn't actually bossy... I could tell that because I consider her as a "perfectionist" who obviously wants everything to be perfect. A good example is when an occurrence a while ago happened. We were playing around with the webcam and she wanted it to be in the exact right place... I was the one who was asked to put it in the right place and she gave the instructions (I'm not trying to be mean, Ate). It went out like this:

Sister: Move it to the right!
Sister: Move it to the left!
Sister: Move it a little bit to the right!
Sister: Move it a little bit to the left!
Sister: There! Perfect!
(But actually it was like nothing really happened to the webcam. It just came back to its old position...)
Yeahhhh. That's life. xD So I'mma (slang!) go to school again on Monday and Tuesday.
The Grade 6 students of our school just graduated. Congratulations! My cousin is one of those Grade 6 students. :)) I hope she'll do better in high school!

Nothing really special happened today. Because I admit it; my life's boring. xD I know there are A LOT of stuff to do, but I guess I'm not really into those stuff. It's like summer wasn't here yet.

I kinda gave up a little bit on internet since I knew that it wasn't going to do anything to my addicted mind. I know internet has many uses; but I'm talking about the "games" or the "fun" part of the internet. I finally lessened my time of Facebook. That wasn't easy. But I tried anyways. I don't really have time to chat or keep in touch with any of my friends now (sometimes), and that's really sad. :( But we keep in touch in some other way I'm sure!

That's all for today. I noticed that I sleep late everyday already. And I wake up kinda early. :|
I slept at 3:00 AM yesterday and woke up at 6:00 AM (not really that early but it was early for me). Bye! :D


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