Limited Internet... again

Our internet is limited... again. We can only use it for like 30 minutes a day or probably 1 hour.
That's kinda like a good thing because I spend less time on Facebook (which is one of my goals) or maybe I don't use Facebook at all. And I don't use my YM anymore. Sometimes.
Do you know why I'm lessening my time in using the internet? That's because I'm going to be reallyyyyyyy more responsible in Grade 5 and the other years after that. (I hope! xD)
As you noticed, I'm not responsible.

A while ago we just experienced an earthquake. It was not really strong, but we could feel it.
I got scared when it happened. Super. I thought it was the end of the world or something. :))
What is happening to our world nowadays? It's becoming a nightmare.

Today at school we learned a song to sing for the Recognition Day. And we also did some practice with the receiving of tokens/gifts. Overall, my part in there was pretty decent/good.
The only thing I remember is that you have to keep on smiling and you have to look at the audience. And no moving. :)) It was very hard for me since I'm a person who kinda moves too much. Then you go down the stage, and handshake with the principal and the Intermediate Coordinator. That was hardest part of all. Because I'm not used to handshaking. :|
At least tomorrow I won't go to school anymore. I'll go again next Monday.

Okay, so now I'm out of words already. My mom is going to have an operation tomorrow. :(
The doctors are going to get a tissue sample from her... I can't talk about it anymore. :((
I hope she goes fine. I'm so sad. :(( It's like a surgery... well, kinda. But it's not like a plastic surgery something. It's an operation where you need to uhhh... I'll just talk about it another time.

So that's for today. I don't really know what to talk about now. Bye!


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