Almost Samahan!
It's almost Samahan! And I don't know what to teach the Grade 3. Anyways, I have 2 of my siblings who also have their own blog. Actually, they had their blogs for about a year or so. Visit her blog at And my other one is my little brother's. Soooo, at school nothing special happened. Ms. Partible asked me to make a prayer in Tagalog for SAMAHAN. Well, I asked Ms. Buguina if it can be in English, and she said yes. Now I'm making a prayer. A while ago, I also fought with somebody, but it was like just for 30 mins. without talking. If you noticed, I'm quite lazy today. I don't know why. So that's just all for today. I'm soooo tired and stressed out. Bye! :)
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Thanks! :)
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