A day with me
Hello everybody! I was bored a while ago, so I decided to chat with my friend, Dolphin Girl. Click on her name again to see her blog. :) Anyways, so I was bored, and we chatted about stuff. I also talked to Ms. Illegal girl a.k.a Ana. Then after we chatted, I decided to make a picture/animation using a program for my friend Albert a.k.a Loner. Or Geli (as what Dolphin Girl is calling her). I thought of also doing Dolphin Girl an animation but I'm so tamad right now. You want me to show the animation I made? Well I did it for only 5 minutes so it's pretty ugly. :)) Don't blame for my animations, I do it from my brain, not my heart. Here is the animation:
So that's the animation. ^_^ I'm gonna make one soon for Dolphin Girl. So, Im really bored and I didn't do my Science experiment yet. BUT the good thing is that we/I don't have Piano Lessons and Kumon! Whee! Goodbye for now!
I made an animation for Dolphin Girl too. :) Here:
For Dolphin Girl. Just request me an animation, and I'll make it. :)) For now, that's just all.
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ur so evil im s0 upset
Albert aka Geli stop being upset :(
you are also evil too you know.
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