Flood in my inbox

Hello. :) I'm just from Kumon and just got a screenshot of my inbox in my e-mail because I want to show you how many people are adding me on Facebook just because of only 1 classmate. Yep. But I won't tell her name, it's private. ;) So here's the screenie:
(Drag to your URL bar for better quality)

Sooo, I don't know what to say... actually I have something to say. My inbox was FULL of requests that I would have to nosebleed even though I never had a nosebleed in my whole life.

I hope nobody more adds me. I just hopeeeee...
Well, I won't waste my time saying words about this.
BYE! :))


Anonymous said...

you are sssssssssoooooooooo bad :(( you blame me for all of that :((

Andrea said...

Kindaaaa? ;)

Anonymous said...

just ignore them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: anonymous :)) of 4-3 hehe

Anonymous said...

i am anonymous hehe want to know her real name?

Andrea said...

Hi everyone! This is Andrea, and that person is not any more Anonymous because her real name is Angelika! ^^

Andrea said...

They already know my real name. ;)

Anonymous said...

just coment i will tell you (who ever you are) what her name is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhahhahahahhahahhahah mwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

Anonymous said...

hahhahahh you dont know my full name
ang you dont know where i live
hahahhahahhahhahahhahahhaha :P

Andrea said...

Whatev Angelika. -rolls eyes-

Andrea said...

Ano? You want me to say your FULL name? Don't let me warn you. :))

Anonymous said...

hahahha wimp you canot coment anymore

Andrea said...

You've crossed the line, loner!

Anonymous said...

if you really know my midle initial :P

Alexandra said...

Did u know i can see ur email and the one who adds u andrea

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