Internet is terrible :((

You know why Internet is terrible for ME? Well it's because I didn't have internet for like 3 days already because of PLDT... the only way I could get internet without fixing is just using load from a cellphone, about 10 pesos (load) per hour. The internet I'm using right now is just like that. Anyways, this is our Sem Break already. I haven't done ANYTHING yet, everything but the Math exercises, of course :)) A while ago I was so so so bored because I have nothing to do but do my Kumon or homework then play Sims 3. I really, really, really wanted to call one of my classmates, but I was scared that they might be disturbed. ;) I was so bored and did the day with also resting and thinking about this horrible time. Well, I'd better get going, bye! :)


Andrea said...

also, please leave a comment if it's okay for me to call you (if you're one of my classmates), so that I won't get bored during the sem break. :) thanks! ~andrea

Alexandra said...

how would you know that there is a comment when u dont have internet

Andrea said...

it's hard to explain :((

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If you want to post, then I guess you have to follow these rules, please. They would really help you in posting the the things I allow and not allow. Please DON'T post if you can't follow the rules or I'll just delete the messages or IP block you so you can never post again in this C-box. I know its pretty harsh, but I don't want to take off this C-box. Thank you! :)

1 ] No spamming (three or more consecutive, pointless posts in a row). Obviously.

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5 ] Absolutely no swearing.

6 ] You can share your opinions, but don't go over too much. If you hate it, why do you need to spread it out? Do you think it's useful for you to say "i hAtE u & uR bLoG. gO aWaY & dElEtE iT 4 me, kk?"?

7 ] Flaming and online drama is not in my book also.