Long time no see
Hello there everybody! It's a LONG time since I last posted in my blog. I almost quit blogging when I stopped updating in my blog, but I finally found out a way to update again. Anyways, while I was not updating this blog, I was playing the computer and doing all some of my homework and playing Neopets again. I don't know why I'm addicted, I'm just am. Oh, and I also have to tell you that my Grandpa died yesterday morning, and we all went to mass so that he may rest in peace, and many people went, of course. I miss him a lot, despite all those happy memories that my whole family shared with him before his death. I also have to tell you that tomorrow is a school day, not pretty bad, but it's making me a little worried because I don't want to wake up early again (lazy me), but I DO want to see all my classmates and friends. I left a list of things to do before Tuesday (not sure if Tuesday):
- Do my Science experiment, which I MAY need help with an adult. (but it's easy, I promise)
- Do my P.A. aka Practical Arts project before Tuesday. (very fun to do this project, but not my type)
- Read our book report book, Heidi, at least 20 pages.
- Do my Kumon before Kumon. (it's kinda confusing, I know)
- Force myself to avoid Neopets. (this is the thing I NEED to do)
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