A New Beginning

That is the only word I can express about my past. Last time I was here, I was talking about my corny problems in life and obsessing over weird rants and such. Was I really that weird and come to think of it -- unusual? xD I really changed so much. But of course, I'm still the same ol' weird, awkward and strange me.

You're probably wondering: How's life so far?

Ahh yes, life; the horrible yet somehow endurable thing of ours. Well, if you do care about my life (even though you don't), I'm just going to start over for the sake of updating this dusty blog.
Hi, I'm Andrea. I'm currently in Grade 6 and still learning of course. I despise cookies. Yep, that needs to be said since everybody kind of thinks I'm obsessed with them (/hints/ MY USERNAME). I'm really awkward. Like, seriously. Don't approach me unless you're ready to be filled with my beam of awkwardness. jk. BUT SERIOUSLY. O_O kbye *awkwardly smiles*
I was too lazy to write the rest, sorry. I know the title of this post is very misleading. =)) I just wrote it because that was the title of our Penmanship Test a while ago. :)) Which reminds me... GRADUATION IS ALMOST HERE MY PEEPZ. Oh wait, did I tell you that I was just kidding? Yeah, graduation is a month away. Butbutbut... what do we have to go through before we even have our grad practices? Take a guess...

1. NAT (National Achievement Test)
2. Exams

Oh requirements, you never fail to make me suffer. ily for dat. srsly. -sarcasm-

That stupid sewing project of mine... yep, I'm not yet done with it. Too lazy to even sew one line. Oh well, wish me luck.


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